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Principal's Message

Santa Rosa Elementary School


On behalf of the Santa Rosa staff, welcome to Santa Rosa Elementary School, the Home of the Smiling Scorpions.  Whether new to the Santa Rosa family or a returning Scorpion, we look forward to building a strong partnership that will last for many years.  We are committed to making your child’s first years in school filled with positive and enriching experiences.  Our staff is excited about working with your child and being, like you, an important advocate for your child and his or her learning.  We seek to make Santa Rosa a joyful place for our children and their families.

Please refer to our MUSD Elementary Student Handbook and the Santa Rosa Student Survival Guide throughout the school year as a reference.  It should provide the answers to most questions, but feel free to email, call us or stop by the school office should you need more information. 

We believe that your child’s success in school is depended upon good communication between school and home.  We encourage your participation and invite you to express your suggestion or concerns.

Eva Safranek