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Visitor Aware

Self Registration

First Time: ID MUST be scanned. 
Please note that your mobile number will be required to receive the QR Code.

Santa Rosa Elementary Self Registration Link



What is Visitor Aware? 
Visitor Aware is a visitor management and screening service designed specifically to help secure  schools. 

Why do I need to sign in using Visitor Aware? 
Visitor Aware is used to ensure that only safe visitors are granted access to this location. This  provides an additional layer of security for your children by validating the identities of anyone  entering the premises, determining if they are a potential threat, and keeping accurate records  of all school visits. 

Why do I need a valid form of identification to check in? 
Visitors are required to have a valid state issued identification card, such as a driver’s license, to  check in to ensure the accuracy of the information provided. Valid identification is also used to  ensure that the person checking in is the same as the ID holder. 

What kind of identification is required? 
A valid, non-expired state issued identification card with a photo of you is required to check in. 
Note: Military identification Cards (CAC cards) are not accepted as some older CAC cards contain your  social security number, and are not allowed to be scanned outside of approved DOD locations. 

What data is collected when I check in to a school? 
The following information is collected during an initial check in, or an information refresh: 

  • ID Number
  • First Name
  • Middle Name 
  • Last Name 
  • ID Expiration Date
  • Date of Birth 
  • Address
  • Sex 
  • Photograph 

What is my information used for? 
Your name, date of birth, state, and sex are used to ensure that you are not on any sexual  offender registry across all 50 states, as well as ensuring that you are not on a national or  international watchlist such as a FBI watch lists, OFAC blocked persons, DTC debarred parties,  etc. 

Your information creates a secured visitor profile used to associate your visits with your  existing data after an initial visit and screening. Your information is only used for the purpose of  helping a school or school district identify visitors. We do not save any more information than is necessary for this purpose and do not use any data for any other purpose.

What if I am just dropping off something for my child at the office?
The same process will be followed, but a visitor’s badge will not be necessary for those who visit our schools simply to drop off an item in the office or pick up paperwork. You will be expected to immediately vacate the building.

What if I am picking up my child early?

  • Upon entering a district building, visitors will be asked to present a photo ID such as a Driver’s License or passport.
  • Your ID will either be scanned or manually entered into the system.
  • Once cleared, your child will either be called down to the main office from their current location or you will be issued a badge to pick up your child at the nurse’s office or attendance office.
  • If issued a badge, you must return to the main office to sign out.

What about evening events?
We will not be scanning IDs for events held at the buildings after school hours at this time.

Who can see my information? 
Your visitor profile may only be viewed by users specifically granted access by a school  administrator, and is not available outside the Visitor Aware administration area (including on  check in devices). Role-based user administration allows only specific team members to view  your information. 
Your information is never sold, transferred, or accessible to any person or service outside Visitor  Aware, and all access to your visitor profile from within the Visitor Aware administration areas is  recorded. 

Where does my information go, and how is it protected? 
Your information is transferred securely using HTTPS (SSL connection) from check in devices  and administration areas to Visitor Aware’s secured servers.  

Data is stored in encrypted databases, and individual data is separately encrypted to ensure  security. Only your most recent photo is stored, and at each new visit your previous photo is  securely destroyed. 

Your photograph is also encrypted using AES256 Server-side encryption. Your data is not stored  on check in devices. All of your information is completely destroyed from check in devices after  each check in. 

How long is my information stored? 
Visitor Aware stores your data indefinitely unless a client has specified that visitor data should  be automatically removed after specific durations, in which case your data will be fully purged  after that duration has passed. 

What database is checked for sexual predator checks? 
The National Sex Offender Registry is checked if enabled. 

Which watch lists are checked? 
The following databases are included within watch list checks: 

  • FBI Hijack Suspects
  • FBI Most Wanted 
  • FBI Most Wanted Terrorists
  • FBI Seeking Information 
  • FBI Top Ten Most Wanted
  • Interpol Most Wanted 

Which databases are not checked? 
Only the databases explicitly listed above are used. We do not check visitor information against:

  • NCIC Databases 
  • Current/Outstanding Warrants 
  • Criminal History
  • Civil Records 
  • U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) 
  • Any other database other than those explicitly listed above | 608-661-1140